Self-adaptive modular robots: formal modeling for validation and coordination

The main objective of this project is to contribute to the implementation of modular robots by developing a formal framework to model, validate and coordinate their dynamic behaviours. The scientific challenges consist in particular in the ability to model the dynamic evolution of this type of complex systems—their adaptation and reconfiguration—by taking into account constraints on resources as well as events occurring in their execution environment.

This project is submitted for joint funding with the French Agency for Defence Innovation (AID). Therefore, we are currently looking only for candidates holding EU, United Kingdom or Swiss citizenship.

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Design of correct-by-construction self-adaptive cloud applications using formal methods

Essentially, any software entity that goes beyond simply computing a certain function necessarily has to interact and share resources with other such entities. Correct coordination of access to resources among concurrent software entities is fundamental to ensuring that they satisfy user and system requirements avoiding operational faults and deadlock situations. This proposal targets the correct coordination of access to cloud resources among concurrent cloud application entities.

Trinh Le Khanh

Trình Lê Khánh is now working on this project

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